Bem-vindo ao Curso Certificado de 20 horas em Meditação Sonora, Sound Healing, Taças de Cristal, Voz e muitos mais instrumentos!
09/10 de março de 2024 10h00 - 17h00
Localização: Lisboa HUMA Studio Rua Câmara Pestana 8, Estoril
Mais informações sobre MARIA FREITAS aqui:
Location: Lisbon HUMA Studio Rua Câmara Pestana 8, Estoril
More Information about MARIA FREITAS here:
Do you want to know more about me and my work?
Do you have questions about the course?
Get in contact with Maria Freitas
This course is designed to introduce you into the world and wisdom of Sound Therapy on a scientific, practical and spiritual level.
Medical Doctor, Sound Therapist and Yoga Therapist Lisa Schuster will guide you through the knowledge about Sound. Early in her medical studies she suffered from a chronic pain syndrome which left her feeling powerless as the Western Medicine didn’t have answers to her dis-ease. Eventually she started looking for other possibilities to find healing. That’s when she discovered music and sound which had a powerful impact in her healing journey.
The course includes subjects like:
* What is Sound Therapy & Sound Healing? What is the difference?
* What are Crystal Sound Bowls and Tibetian Bowls and how do they work?
* Take care of your instruments
* How to meditate with Sound and developing a daily routine
* How Chakras and Sound are related
* How the glands in the body and Sound are related
* The Power of Intentions
* How to use the voice in your Sound Sessions
* When shouldn’t I use Sound?
* Learn to play a range of instruments & how differentiate your sessions by combining sound with guided self-reflection and meditations
* Why Sound has been used for thousands of years and why it is so powerful
* How Sounds effect the body, mind and spirit
* Brainwave States and the Science of Listening
* Nervous System explained and how Sound affects it
* Deep Listening as a Meditation Practice
* The relationship of quantum, cells and emotions
* The physical and mental benefits of Sound Therapy
* Research results discussions
* Playing Techniques
* What are harmonic sounds? How loud should I play?
* How do I create a balancing and relaxing soundscape?
* Exploring the voice through exercises
* Training to give and receive Sound Healing sessions (on each other)
* Humming exercises
* Wie schaffe ich einen sicheren Raum für Heilung und Transformation?
* Wie bereite ich mich vor, bevor ich die Klangschalen spiele (Geisteszustand, Absichten, Gesundheit)
* training and guidance with all the knowledge about Sound Healing
* manual with detailed infos
* materials and resources
* Sound Meditation Certificate (by MD Lisa Schuster)
* Individual follow-up within 4 weeks after the course is finished
* Live attendence at the course in person
* Holding 5 Sound Meditation sessions + writing 5 reports (5h)
* Dedicated self practice with the Sound Exercises you get to know during the course (5h)
Your Teacher:
Maria is fully committed to the service of Sound Medicine and Aura reading.
She was a lyrical singer and a music teacher for 5 years in the High Lands of Portugal.
She started her journey with cristal singing bowls in 2020 after her first burnout. Maria felt a very big connection to the cristal singing bowls. It was love at the first sight and then she started to study all about the topic. After a big transformation in her life she understood that one of her missions is to bring consciousness to the people who meet her and teach sound as a toll for healing and connecting.
During this process she decided to quit her job as a classical musician and music teachter in the Conservatorium and started to work as a Sound Medicine Therapist and Aura Reader.
She studied at the Sound Medicine Institute and right now she offers 1:1 sound medicine sessions and group sessions in Lisbon. She also offers group sessions all over the country where she’s invited with her cristal singing bowls, voice, gongs and drums.
Aura reading is also part of Maria’s mission to bring awareness and consciousness to people who seek her.
Maria understands that the connection between the soul and body is the essence of living healthier lives on this planet.
You don't need any instruments for the course itself, they will be provided on site.
If you want to finish the course with a certificate, you will need at least.
1 singing bowl + 1 rhythm instrument (shaker, drum...)
Explore Crystal Bowls and many more instruments…
This course is for anyone who has been moved by the Power of Sound. For Musicians, Healers, Therapists, Yogis, Meditators, Mystics, Psychologists, Philosophers, Teachers, Medical Workers, Medicine Workers, Song Carriers People who are ready to shift and lift; to open and ignite and to listen to the subtleties of stillness and silence and who want to understand Sound from a scientific side as well.
* Reduce stress and relief from fatigue, pain, addiction, compulsive thinking, insomnia through deep relaxation and endorphin release
* Accelerate the healing process
* Increased sleep quality
* Increased sense of calm
* Promotes creative potential
* Expand the capacity for love, peacefulness and happiness within oneself
* Increased concentration, focus and attentionYou don’t need a crystal bowl in advance for this online course.
✨ ENERGY EXCHANGE: 544€ (early bird 488€)
✨ Minimum of 5 students
✨ Maximum of 12 students
CANCELLATION POLICY : Refunds up to 14 days before event. (50%)
Strictly no refund for cancellations after midnight 14 days prior to the event.
100% refund if the course can’t happen due to COVID. A new date will be set up.
What others say:
“During my previous role as an editor in film and television, I learned that music triggers certain emotions and that you can control them very consciously. At the beginning of my “study of sounds”, I dealt very intensively with Tibetan singing bowls and their effects.
I found out about the crystal singing bowls 5 years ago when I was visiting the USA when a friend invited me to a "Soundbath". This spiritual experience never left me, and a few months ago I decided to do an education in this field.
Looking for a mentor, I came across Lisa and did a sound meditation training with her. Her knowledge is incredibly impressive and the way she conveys it is wonderful.
I can recommend Lisa’s Training to everyone who is interested in sound meditation. I haven't regretted it: I am now the owner of “Weg zu Dir” and very soon I will be offering individual and group sessions.
I thank Lisa for her trust in me and that she continues to accompany me on my spiritual journey. Sound makes this world a better place.
Stephanie K. (Munich)
„In Lisas Kurs hat sich alles stimmig angefühlt. Sie hat einen sehr breiten, wissenschaftlich fundierten Background zum Thema Soundhealing, den sie auf sehr anschauliche, verständliche Weise mit ihren Schüler*innen teilt. Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass Lisa ein Teil meiner Reise zum Soundhealing ist und kann ihren Kurs von Herzen weiter empfehlen.“
Anna F.
Nachdem ich das erste Mal mit Klangschalen in Berührung gekommen bin, habe ich in mir den Wunsch gespürt, mehr darüber zu lernen. Wichtig war mir dabei auch wissenschaftlich fundiertes Wissen, so dass ich auch voller Selbstvertrauen und mit Hintergrundwissen Soundbaths geben kann. In dem 20h Kurs habe ich an einem Wochenende in einer wundervollen geschützten und herzlichen kleinen Gruppe, kurz und prägnant fundierte Grundlagen der Soundmedicine (von Geschichte, über Musik und naturwissenschaftliches Wissen) und auch welche Sicherheitsfaktoren und Grenzen es gibt, gelernt. Das war dann eine super Grundlage, um in der folgenden Selbsterfahrung und den ersten 1:1 Soundbaths das Gelernte weiter zu vertiefen. Vielen Dank, Lisa, dass du Sound und die Möglichkeit mit Sound zu arbeiten in die Welt bringst <3
Since I came in touch with Singing Bowls the first time, I knew immediately that I want to know more about it and to bring sound into the world. It was important for me to get scientific based knowledge, that I have a great fundament to give sound baths with solid background knowledge about the history, science (behind sound and the medical aspects) and also the risks and safety aspects. The 20h Course in Munich made it possible to gain that knowledge in a compact form. And it was so incredible to get in touch with those lovely people in a small sacred space, all having the goal to bring sound into the world <3 It was the perfect base and motivation to deepen the knowledge in further self studies & self experiences and being able to give first sound baths to clients. Thanks Lisa, for bringing sound and the possibility to work with it into the world.
Eva Andrich @frauoberhuber
I attended one of Lisa’s Sound Meditations and the physical vibration from the bowls where touching my soul so deeply in a warm, very soothing and comfortable way.
I was able to finally release tensions just by lying on the floor and listing to the crystal bowls and this was a completely new experience for me.
I have a regular meditation and yoga practicing since many years but I resonated with the bowls very differently, the sound activated peace and harmony from within myself and I was able to activate my self healing capacity. I’ve never felt this sense of deep connection with myself and everything around me before.
I singed up for the Course with Lisa without any prior knowledge with Crystal Bowls or music in October, the best choice I have made in 2021!
Now I am practicing with my Akasha Crystal Bowls daily and it’s the best way connecting with myself.
My journey with Sound Medicine just started and I can't wait to do more lessons and trainings with Lisa.
I highly recommend Lisa as a teacher and mentor who constantly radiates so much passion for that what she is doing.